Hello Cissy,

Thank you very much for this article. It really resonated with my own fraught relationship with ambition. Similar to what you have written in the article, I tried to prove my self-worth through my work, which led me to disappointment, a sense of worthlessness, and depression. Now, thanks to years of therapy, I am trying to recalibrate my life and try to live it more according to my own values.

Anyway, thank you again for the piece!

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If we stop pretending we’re driving the car, we can let go of the wheel and notice where the car is taking us.

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I can relate to this. I am very ambitious, but I want it to be for the right reasons. I want to change the media ecosystem from one focused on the problems to one focused on the solutions, in journalism, fiction, and film. That’s a big undertaking! But it’s a pivot from my old one (to be a journalist at the New York Times and a New York Times bestselling author.) One is societal driven, the other is ego driven.

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Thank you for sharing these words Cissy. I am new to your community, but how profoundly I resonate with your experience and your words. We are both walking very different paths, but somehow I feel seen by the words you've shared.

To quiet that need to satisfy society's vision of success is one of the hardest battles to overcome, but it's refreshing to find someone who has worked in industries that are objectively the picture of success is come to these conclusions.

What is your grand vision for your future life now? I wonder. :)

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Feb 21Liked by Cissy Hu

As someone who feels like they have lost their ambition, especially after graduating college and entering the workforce in a role that is far from aligned with calls my heart, this was a lovely read this Wednesday morning. I love the idea of bearing witness to the fears and insecurities that may actually be playing a secret hand in guiding our actions. Thank you!

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Feb 7Liked by Cissy Hu

I always love what you write Cissy. As someone who is also on a sabbatical, you touch on many topics that I am wrestling with myself. It’s so reassuring to read what I’ve been thinking about, and making sense of it. 💕

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This was delicious to read, Cissy - I relate with it so deeply. I also transitioned from a previous career that I went into because I thought that was what I had to do to prove myself worthy in the world. I gave my genuine interests and passions no place in that ladder I was climbing. In my transition, I'm self-actualising from a place of curiosity and trust. It feels wholesome, yet excitingly terrifying.

I write about transitions on my community blog for PivoTech.io. The latest post in particular, talks about the balance of curiosity and trust in being a multidisciplinary technologist. I'd love to know what you think and connect with you over Google Meet <3

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