Thanks Cissy, your piece pretty much parallels where I'm also finding myself at this moment. I launched my newsletter last year after much internal debate and an initial tendency to self-censor out of a fear of being too cringe. But now I think I'm hitting an age where time is of the essence and the fear of being cringe has come to mean next to nothing to me. I'm getting old and I just don't care anymore. If it doesn't resonate with others, or hit the way I expected it to, then so what? I'll just take another crack at it in a week or two. The important thing, as you say, is to do the damn thing and realize that to be cringe is to be free. And as I continue to get my stuff out there, I'm feeling that sense of liberation more and more, and it's incredibly fulfilling. Love it. Thank you!

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"If it doesn't resonate with others, or hit the way I expected it to, then so what? I'll just take another crack at it in a week or two."

🔥 this was a huge unlock for me too, Dan! I really resonate with the idea of putting more of your work out there as an act of liberation. I used to write on a monthly basis so I'd have to rely on that one essay *landing* each month, but the more I write, the more opportunities there are for essays & ideas to find their way to the people that it'll resonate most with (like you)!

there's never a perfect time, it's always time. here's to giving ourselves the permission to be cringe in pursuit of self-expression!

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I was avoiding posting my new project on LinkedIn and Facebook because the cringe factor. Just did it and now kicking myself for not doing it like 6 months ago ;) Thanks Cissy.

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congrats, Johnny - that’s huge! hope you’re finding momentum & peace as your surrender to your “cringe” :)

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Hi Cissy! Fellow SF WoP person here. We haven’t gotten a chance to connect, but I really appreciated your thoughtful organization of the SF event (I couldn’t attend bc I was out of town)

Love what you’re doing here with More Myself in general. And thank you for the reminder that we’re on a blue dot hurtling through space towards vaporization. It filled me with courage!

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thanks for saying hi, Kat!

appreciate you reading & your support :) ah, the reminder that I need on a daily – it's one of my favorite songs to turn on when I find myself taking life too seriously. happy to have introduced it to you!

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I really enjoy your writings! They all speak to me in a profound way! Keep doing the damed thing! 😊

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touched to hear that, Ann! appreciate your support – so glad to hear that my writing resonates with you. will keep at the damn thing 😉

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ooo how does one join this cold plunge group?

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Thank you for supporting us in the Cringe. I celebrate and invite courage to do these damn things:

🧜🏼‍♀️ Swimming in the Salish Sea, several times a week.

🌊 Sharing my deliciously weird daily practice of spontaneous singing for Mama Earth.

🙉 Reworking my graphic novel, "Meet Your Monkeys," that really wants to be a short film.

🙌🏼 Here's to sharing more of our real AF, weird and wonderful Things!

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LOVE this and spontaneously honoring the earth with your songs & visits to the sea, Christine! thanks for sharing :) intrigued by your graphic novel soon to become short film🐒

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Thank you 🙏🏽 I too am intrigued: how the heck will this short film happen??? TRUST

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I absolutely love the pic at the start!

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an unbelievable retreat center in the redwoods!🌲

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Love this Cissy! Nailed the thing about 'answering the call', I can totally relate to that. It's about getting out of your own damn way, because it's not about 'me' or 'you' per se, it's about the thing. The 'me' is too afraid of getting it wrong so gets in the way. The calls come at different times in your life, but you have to be there and pick it up when it comes. Not going to lie, some calls are still ringing for me on a couple of things!

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glad this essay resonated, Joseph!

💯 about getting out of our own damn way. rooting for you on picking up some of those calls this year :) I have a few I've got to muster up the courage to pick up myself and I'm sure many calls down the line that will start ringing!

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Jan 3Liked by Cissy Hu

I think we often feel like the guy in the water (on the very right), rethinking our life choices that brought us to this moment of discomfort. But what we don’t see in this picture is his totally proud face at doing the hard thing and surrendering to the cringe!!

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truly - and feelings of discomfort are so universal! it’s so special to be rewarded with the deeply settling sense of peace when we navigate to the other side

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I am so glad to see that you have the determination of doing the damn thing. In the pursuit of your ambitions and goals, you'll encounter numerous wonderful and fulfilling experiences. Just like driving through picturesque landscapes on a journey, your ambitions will lead you through various moments of beauty, growth, and accomplishment. These moments can be as valuable and enriching as reaching the destination itself. It's essential to appreciate and savor these experiences along the way towards your ambitions. Your determination is impressive! Pursuing your goals with that level of commitment and resolve is admirable. We all know it is not easy, but persevering through challenges, embracing the journey, learning from every experience, and finding value in the journey itself, bring you a lot of fun and wisdom. It's the journey that shapes you and makes your destination even more rewarding. Cheers!

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thanks, dad - thanks for teaching me to stay committed to my damn things & learning to bet on myself as I weather the climbs of the journey ❤️

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I am following your success on your endearvors!

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